
The conference themes are founded on the PPT Framework developed by Harold Leavitt in the 1960s. In order to achieve positive transformative change in the sector it is necessary that AI address all three pillars of People, Process and Technology.

People, Process, Technology (Adapted Leavitt's Diamond Model 1964)

Theme 1: People

AI has the potential to bring about numerous positive changes to our human capital, including improved productivity, health and wellbeing, and increased access to innovative solutions. AI-powered technologies can help solve complex problems and make our daily working lives more productive. Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision are examples of AI technologies that will help alleviate the current shortfall of skills available by freeing up people to focus on more value-added tasks. Some examples of sub-topics under this theme that the conference organisers would like to explore include:

  • Next generation jobs

  • Future impact of robotics and generative AI

  • Making better decision making

  • Replacing human workers

  • Human-like creativity and empathy

  • Creating safer construction sites

Theme 2: Process

AI has the potential to add real business value by streamlining work processes and removing rework while complying with regulatory and ethical requirements. AI is readily used to analyse data, which can both provide real time data to inform better decision making, predict analytics and also have a positive impact on customer interactions. AI can also be used to monitor project outputs and identify quality issues. Some examples of sub-topics under this theme that the conference organisers would like to explore include:

  • AI and Modular Construction

  • Driving out unproductive established workflows

  • Removing repetitive tasks

  • Ethical AI integration

  • Predictive building performance

  • Generative AI Applications

Theme 3: Technology

AI makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. The convergence of AI, Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, visualisation and immersive technologies will continue to enhance AI capabilities into the future. A variety of AI technologies, such as, Machine Leaning, Deep Learning, Generative AI, Natural Language Processing, Robotics, Data Analytics, AI Algorithms etc… will be explored at the conference. Some examples of sub-topics under this theme that the conference organisers would like to explore include:

  • Merging design and regulation

  • Automating quantification and estimation

  • Image recognition

  • Quantum machine learning

  • AI and Digital Twinning

  • Autonomous technology